K&K Specialty Vehicles
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About K&K Specialty Vehicles
K&K was founded upon the thought that emergency personnel today are over taxed already with all paperwork that state requires. When events come to their area extra resources are needed, and services need a simple solution. We have taken that job to heart and are willing to be that resource. We do realize though that most times this equipment is not needed in this purpose but can be used by hunters during hunting season or by fairs for their events. We also do take orders to personalize a vehicle for those who are looking to purchase. 

Owner and Operator Alan Kempers:
Alan had over 30 years of EMS experience with a volunteer Ambulance service before retiring, but has kept his EMS license active. Since then he has spent time volunteering with Lifelight Festivals in Sioux Falls, SD and Missouri Lifelight, and has since become the coordinator for the first aid medical personnel at the Sioux Falls Festival. Alan helped design and build the Sioux Center Ambulance Rehab trailer which has become a command center for Sioux County Sheriff's office. Alan has helped organize first aid for RAGBRAI events that have been held in Sioux Center. 

Consultant Corey Kempers:
Corey has over 10 years of EMS experience with both volunteer and hospital based Ambulance Services. Corey has achieved the NREMT- Paramedic rank and is a member of Iowa's Disaster Medical Assistance Team . Corey is a co-coordinator for first aid medical personnel at the Sioux Falls Lifelight festival.